Thursday, 28 February 2013

Papal Abdication...

I realise I’m probably not the only Catholic weirdo to start a blog today. Why did I decide to? I’ll tell you why.

I have a lot of thoughts – a lot – and sometimes, these thoughts translate to ‘words’ (in the form of oral speech) that often translates into ‘Kylie-getting-into-trouble.’ So this is my ‘somewhere’ to express my thoughts where hopefully people can ignore me, love me or hate me without my necessarily knowing about it (I would simply use Facebook, but generally more than one status update renders you ‘unfriended…’ – call me insecure, but I like to keep my friends).

Today, however – my thoughts centre around one man. A great man. Papa Benni, Our German Shepherd (I can still call him that for a few hours yet…).

As a JPII groupie, I can’t help but love Pope Benedict XVI for what the Great John Paul II saw him as: intelligent, courageous, humble and – above all – HOLY.

This is why I hope it’s not completely insane that I sat in bed last night, watching his final address with tears of either sadness he was leaving me, excitement for what is to come or simply because as a professional sook, I was overwhelmed with all the baby-kissing, waving goodbye and those amazing red shoes. BUT, before I get distracted with a rant about shoes (goodness knows I can go for a while) – the point is this: B16 (I’m sure he likes to be called B16) is a man who understands the Church he leads and has enough humility to know the needs of the divine institution he loves so much. Further than this, he knows he cannot fulfill these needs and loves the Church enough to allow Her to move on while he retires to a life of prayer.

When he first took office, he referred to himself as ‘the simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord.’ How grateful we are to the only man we could ever love after JPII. It is this gratitude, respect and love for the man born Joseph Ratzinger that gives me comfort. He says he made the decision to abdicate “with a deep peace of mind” – sometimes it pays to listen and trust those smarter than you.

So, no more tears. His peace of mind and the Church he and JPII left behind (not to mention the one who Christ promised would prevail over all evil) is enough for me. I look forward to this new chapter in the Church that I love so so much.

He left us with a promise: ‘I do not abandon the cross...’ He then told the massive last crowd he's ‘moved’ by their presence; ‘when I see you, I see the church alive.’ We’re alive, Baba (well and truly!) – and we are deeply moved by your sacrifice in imitation of He who sacrificed all for our redemption and as a result, made all things new…

Pray for us, that our faith and zeal be made anew.

We miss you already, Holy Father – Auf Wiedersen...!